Sunday, September 20, 2015

Burn, Baby, Burn

"You are what you are. Find a way to live with it."
--Karen Marie Moning, Burned
Genre: Adult Paranormal, Romance
Publisher: Delacourte Press
Pages: 512
Publication Date: January 20th, 2015
Source: Bought
Previous Books in SeriesDarkfever & Bloodfever & Faefever & Dreamfever & Shadowfever & Iced
Goodreads Description

It’s easy to walk away from lies. Power is another thing.

MacKayla Lane would do anything to save the home she loves. A gifted sidhe-seer, she’s already fought and defeated the deadly Sinsar Dubh—an ancient book of terrible evil—yet its hold on her has never been stronger.

When the wall that protected humans from the seductive, insatiable Fae was destroyed on Halloween, long-imprisoned immortals ravaged the planet. Now Dublin is a war zone with factions battling for control. As the city heats up and the ice left by the Hoar Frost King melts, tempers flare, passions run red-hot, and dangerous lines get crossed.

Seelie and Unseelie vie for power against nine ancient immortals who have governed Dublin for millennia; a rival band of sidhe-seers invades the city, determined to claim it for their own; Mac’s former protégé and best friend, Dani “Mega” O’Malley, is now her fierce enemy; and even more urgent, Highland druid Christian MacKeltar has been captured by the Crimson Hag and is being driven deeper into Unseelie madness with each passing day. The only one Mac can depend on is the powerful, dangerous immortal Jericho Barrons, but even their fiery bond is tested by betrayal.

It’s a world where staying alive is a constant struggle, the line between good and evil gets blurred, and every alliance comes at a price. In an epic battle against dark forces, Mac must decide who she can trust, and what her survival is ultimately worth.
The Setting & The Story
Y'all, I was SO excited to read Burned after finishing Iced. I love being back in this world. It was my absolute favorite thing about reading this book. I fell into an easy lull while reading and enjoying the characters and being back in Mac's head. I love her newly established street cred as ultimate badass, even though she's got some problems to work out with that. I also really loved where we went with the Unseelie King and his concubine. These chapters were few and far betwee but what we did get, I loved to see. It was desperation and love mixed with obsession and desire and regret, LOTS of emotions that I didn't think I had with this storyline! And Dani...that's all I can say about that...but I love...
The Pacing
Due to spoilers and this being the 7th book in the series, I can't say too much about the good without ruining the plot for those who aren't as far or who haven't read it. While I overall really liked the book and the world and the story, I found myself falling out of the story quite a few times. I think these books have overall become too long. Iced and Burned do NOT have to measure up to the length of Shadowfever because, duh, Shadowfever was 'supposed' to be the final book, let it be long. Now I feel as if there is a certain expecation that each book after that needs to be over 400 pages long. Not necessary. Give me the meat of the story without all this erroneous detail. I WANTED to love Burned but it didn't keep my attention as much as I wanted it to even with the major plot point being super engaging.

The Plot
While I overall enjoyed the plot, I found a few components lacking. First, Barrons and Mac...WHERE IS THE HEAT!? I suffered through the worst case of blue balls for FIVE BOOKS...FIVE! I love a slow burn but now you're torturing me slowly. Not to mention the cold blue balls I had from Iced (see what I did there?). KMM, I love you, really I do. But cut the shit. Give me some romance and just a little PDA. I know Mac and Barrons aren't gonna dry hump like teenagers in the hallway in public but give me something. Speaking of them, I also really disliked that while it took FOREVER and a year for them to get together, we didn't see any tender moments. The writing made it sound like they're basically glorified fuck buddies who refuse to actually acknowledge the other in public. It's weird.

The Secrets
One final vent, again, I really liked the book, this is more of a frustration with the series as a whole. I need more info, KMM. I still know nothing about the Nine. I want a history please, thank you. I want more info on, now. I'm over this unknown still. We get scraps and we are 7 books in and thousands of pages invested. We deserve something better.
Reserved Seating
If you love this series, alpha males brooding, Fae, disaster zones, and a lot of myster...this book's for you.

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