Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Shame On You

Recent events on Twitter have prompted me write this post. I debated writing it because I'm sure I'm going to offend many a people with my thoughts on this but, honestly, I couldn't give any fewer fucks. Good or bad I have a disease that makes me exhibit symptoms of calling people out on their bad behavior and this is a flare up. What bad behavior am I speaking of? Book shaming. The Twitter world has recently had me having more than my fair share of cringing, eye-rolling, and outright bursts of rage. If you are not familiar with the term, book shaming is making somebody feel stupid or judging somebody based on what books they choose to read.

A few weeks ago I saw some distressing tweets shaming people for their reasons for reading. Acca-excuse me? No, seriously. There was a discussion I saw that basically shamed people for reading and enjoying books based solely on the romance/relationships in the book. Are you fucking kidding me? What the fuck is it to anybody the reasons why people read or love a certain book. If you wanna read solely for the romance, you rock on. If you only want to read non-fiction historical books, do your thing. I cannot even tell you the red I saw when seeing tweets about this because how dare anybody try to put another person down for their reasons for reading. It's rude, classless, and a shitty thing to do to somebody.

You don't have to defend your reasons for reading. Just because you "only" read books for an inspirational hero or the themes discussed doesn't make you a more profound reader than somebody who only reads romance novels. Do you think those heroic characters you love so much would be trying to put other people down? Hell. To. The. No. They defend the weak and stand up for those who can't stand up for themselves. They're not kicking a man when he's down and trying to prove how much stronger or better he is than the other person.

As bloggers, we should be the most open-minded people in the book world because of all the different types of readers we come across. There are dozens upon dozens of different genres and we all love books for different reasons and we all read for different reasons. Be it inspiration, motivation, romance, horror, sexy times, historical fact, it doesn't matter! Read what you want, when you want, make no excuses, and give zero fucks. 

If you're offended by my post, I'm not going to apologize. This is my corner of the internet and this is a place for me to vent and air my grievances and just maybe find somebody who feels the same way as me. And to be honest? If you're mad at my thoughts and opinions it's probably because you're guilty of some of the behavior I have highlighted. As I said above, we need to be supporting each other and not trying to tear one another down. We are all here for the same reason--to read books and enjoy them. Those heroines you claim to love and admire so much would not be acting like this. Be the hero of the story and not the bully because I'm not sure if you've read the end of this book...but the bully never wins.


  1. Great post Kelly! I absolutely agree with this! We talk about diversity, and the importance of more diverse books, but when it comes to respecting others for their reading of tastes or opinions we reject them? Something's not right in that equation.

  2. I think it's really important to remember that people read for different reasons AND that people have different reasons for picking and enjoying their reads! In the end, it really all just boils down to having respect for what other people like/do not like. That's one of the most interesting parts of the bookish community to me - the diversity of the readers and reading tastes that exist - and I think people would do well to remember that every person is different :)

  3. I agree 100% with this post Kelly! I've been hearing of drama going on lately on Twitter, but I hadn't seen any of it and I'm glad, because holy wow, I would have been so angry! Let people read what they want for the reasons they want to be reading it, if it's not the same for you or you don't like that category of books then just don't read them. And respect other people's choices. I mean, seriously, how hard is that??

  4. THANK.YOU! Why is anyone discouraging other people from reading?! Who cares what other people read?! If it bugs you that much, then stay off the internet! <- aimed at the shamers!

  5. THANK. YOU. I read what I want and like and I have my own reasons for doing so! Why shame people?? Everyone has different likes and dislikes and THAT'S OKAY. it made me so mad seeing twitter. "I feel sorry for you if you read for romance" I'm sorry but I'll read whatever the hell I like. Love you Kelly for always telling it like it is. :)

  6. LOL to these gifs! YO. Preach on. Seriously. I freaking hate book shaming with a passion! It's no secret that I love a good romance. Hellloo.. 2 parts of every review I write focuses on kissing and the hot book boyfriend! With that said, it doesn't mean that is the ONLY THING I read or the ONLY THING I like. As you said, so what if it is, but what pisses me off is the fact that these people automatically assume I wouldn't like a book without these things. They decide what books I wouldn't like and create a "type" of book that is suited for me. Because obviously THEY should judge me and create generalizations of what I should and shouldn't read. Of course if it is a serious book or one that focuses on the deep meaning of life, I am not qualified to read it. FYI clowns, I read a hell of a lot more books than I choose to review. I could school you on certain topics. I read plenty of books without romance, but personally, I am passionate about love, and romance generates some fun book pushing. People that look down their noses at others for reading romance or YA, or whatever, can suck it. YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PEOPLE READ OR WHY THEY READ IT AND IT IS NOT YOUR PLACE TO EVEN HAVE AN OPINION. Regardless of what a person reads, THEY ARE READING! Let's focus on that, yeah?

  7. Book shaming makes me SO. MAD. What does it matter if someone likes a book you don't, or loves a book you think is problematic? It's okay for people to have different opinions, and it amazes me how many people just don't get that, or care. I haven't been shamed personally (I do sometimes wonder what people think of the books I read though and then have to remember that I'm allowed to like whatever), but I've seen quite a few friends get hit when they post their reviews. It's not okay at all. The best part about reading is that there are SO MANY different types of books and genres, so there's something for everyone. There's a variety, and I love that.

    THANK YOU for this post!! I can't believe it even needs to be said, but I'm glad you did. People need to remember that differing opinions is just fine. You can even have a good discussion with someone and agree to disagree afterward. But what's not okay is shaming someone for liking a book you didn't. People should NEVER feel bad about what they read, nor be attacked for sharing their opinion on it. Great post, Kelly!!

  8. I hate judgmental behavior. I don't give a shit what you read and why you read. Reading should be about YOUR enjoyment and we should all embrace each other's love for books and stories. It's crazy how everyone is pointing fingers. 'You are an adult, you can't read YA.' or 'This book has a message, so you can't love it for the romance alone.' Just leave each other alone and let us decide what we want to read and why. I really don't care.
