Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Claim Me // Character Couture

If you have not been to Sarah's Pinterest page I am going to direct you there now! Usually I highlight fashion that I think characters would wear but Sarah's Pinterest boards are so on point there is nothing I could do to even come close to that. Instead, I'm going to 'dress'...the men of Throne of Glass by fantasy casting them *gasp*. These pictures speak for themselves so...enjoy...

Sam Cortland
Matt Lanter

Source: 1 / 2

Dorian Havilliard
Terrance Coombs

Source: 1 / 2

Chaol Westfall
Scott Eastwood
Source: 1 / 2

Rowan Whitethorn
Henry Cavill
YES! Before you start a riot I'm WELL aware Rowan is not dark-haired but use imagination and look at that face and're welcome.
Source: 1 / 2

Aedion Ashryver
Jessie Pavelka

Source: 1 / 2 / 3

How did I do guys?...How did I do? *smirk*
I know you're distracted now but don't forget about...
Book Pushin' Throne of Glass
Lit in Lyrics
Words Have the Power to Change Us
And tomorrow, Sarah will be visiting! Stay tuned!!


  1. These are some great choices! I thought about switching Henry Cavill to be Dorian and maybe throw in Chris Hemsworth as Rowan, but I like your style :)

  2. I would support Henry Cavill for no argument here on any of these! :)


  3. I approve of your life choices - I mean, casting choices, Kel ;) Obviously, I 100% support Scott Eastwood as Chaol Westfall. I NEED IT TO HAPPEN.
