Monday, October 26, 2015

I Am Not Afraid // The Throne of Glass Book Tag

I am all about the book tags recently and THIS ONE is no exception because it is AMAZING!! My brilliant friends Hannah from So Obsessed With and Alexa from Alexa Loves Books created this fan-fucking-tastic book tag based on Throne of Glass. You all KNOW how much I love Throne of Glass so this one was right up my alley and I was immediately obsessed with picking out the books I wanted to choose for each category! Here we go!

Lysandra // A Book With A Cover Change You Loved
I absolutely LOVED reading The Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead but those covers?? Atrocious. After the movie came out and they republished them with the wicked cool VA metallic looking emblem. I was pissed I already had all my copies. Endgame is to switch them out probably when I re-read them. 

Abraxos // A Book That Looks Better On The Inside Than It Does On The Outside
The Reed Brothers series by Tammy Faulkner is in much need of a makeover. Same with the titles. I love me alliteration but combine those covers with the lame title and it breaks my heart how many people will pass over them based on first impression looks because I LOVE these books. They are a new adult series that just clicks with my heart. I adore the Reed brothers and their wives and I thoroughly enjoyed reading their stories, they have a 

Erilea // A Series With Great World Building
Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor has DA BEST world building EVER! It is so freaking vivid and harshly beautiful with all the chimera that I cannot help but fall head over heels with the visceral imagery Laini gives us. 

Rifthold // A Book That Combines Genres
The Burning Sky by Sherry Thomas combines high fantasy and historical fiction and HELLO two of my favorite genres wrapped into one amazing package? Hell. To. The. Yes. This is one of my favorite series and it does both historical fiction AND fantasy immense justice.

Damaris // A Book Based On/Inspired By A Myth/Legend
Scarlet by AC Gaughen. This is the first Robin Hood inspired story I've read and I definitely wanted more after reading. Scarlet and Robin are an amazing couple and how Gaughen twists the story is just incredible. The first two books of this series are on another level of amazing. 

Kaltain Rompier // A Book With An Unexpected Twist
Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein. I NEVER saw the ending a million, billion years. It was heart-breaking and epic and extraordinary and it broke me in a way I didn't think was possible. It was brilliant and while the writing style won't be for everybody, it worked for me.

Assassin's Keep // A Book With An Unreliable Narrator
Shatter Me by Tahereh Mafi. Juliette is a very damaged and broken girl when we meet her in Shatter Me. Throughout the story we get a more and more accurate and objective view of what is really going on and who people really are. A lot of people have a problem with this however I loved seeing her evolve and grow and change her opinions on things *cough* and people. 

Asterin Blackbeak // A Book That's God SQUAD GOALS
The ONLY logical choice for this question is the Black Dagger Brotherhood. They are my family. Moreso than any other book series, these males and females are my people. They love and support and defend one another above everything else. The love they share is beautiful and enviable and amazing. I daydream about living in Caldwell and maybe one day I'll fall through the veils between worlds and end up there. Hey? A girl can dream, can't she?

Terrasen // A Book That Feels Like Home
Harry Potter by JK Rowling. I grew up with Harry Potter and it is such a staple in my life that nothing can compare to it. When people ask me my favorite book I rarely even say Harry Potter because it is just on another level for me besides being the obvious answer. 
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius // A Book With The Power To Destroy You
Love in English by Karina Halle. There is a lot that I can relate to with Vera and there is one single line in that book that spoke to my soul more than anything else ever has. When I read it, I get back into that mind space and it hurts so good. Never have I read a character who spoke a truth that is so close to my own heart it felt like that book and that moment was written just for me. It's powerful and poignant and scary. It destroys me every time I read it. 

Manon Blackbeak // A Book That Intimidate You
Covet by JR Ward. It is obviously no secret I love the BDB and the recently released Bourbon Kings by Ward BUT I had yet to read her Fallen Angels series. I love the BDB so much and JR SO MUCH that it would destroy me if I didn't really enjoy her other series. Surprise! I LOVE IT!! I have two more books to read and I'm so sad to see it end!! I love these characters and their stories and I don't want it to stop!

Rowan Whitethorn // A Book That Makes You Swoon
Lover Awakened by JR Ward. No other book compares to the romance of Z and Bella. Zsadist is my BAE. He is my one true love and nobody else comes close. Many valiant males have tried and while I love a lot, Z is always who my bookish heart goes home to.
Chaol Westfall // A Book That Challenged You To See Things Differently
The Angel by Tiffany Reisz. This book is so beautiful with it's message of acceptance and love and it just pulls my heart strings every time. The entire series is an accurate portrayal of the BDSM lifestyle as well as the acceptance of many forms of sexuality. I considered myself open-minded before reading this series but after, I am definitely a thousand times more open-minded. I am in debt to these books for allowing me to grow into the person I am today.

Fleetfoot // A Book That You Received As A Gift
Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers. Hannah gave me this for my birthday a few years ago and it is one of the most amazing stories. It is romantic and full of love and acceptance and growth and strength and survival. It is my first Christian Fiction book and won't be my last. I loved this book and if it wasn't for Hannah I never would have read it and loved it!
Eye of Elena // A Book You Found Right When You Needed It
There's a three-way tie for this one because they all changed my life in the best way. The first two are Arcadia Awakens by Kai Meyer and Just One Day by Gayle Forman. These books inspired me to take my first trip to Sicily where my family came from. I still have family there and Aracadia Awakens takes place in Sicily and I read Just One Day shortly after and that book inspired me to take chances. So after reading those two books I thought to myself, why CAN'T I plan a trip to Sicily and see the country my grandmother came from? That moment made me take the leap to just DO IT...So I did.

The final book is Golden by Jessi Kirby and this book inspired me to start travel nursing. I had been planning on doing it a year after graduation but then I ended up really liking the place I worked and had new friends and just got comfortable. That book features one of my favorite quotes of life and that is 'what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?' I realized I was sitting around, unhappy and scared to do anything about it. This book made me think, what the fuck am I going to do with this one life? I'm going to fucking live it and live it well. This book brought me to where I am today and I cannot thank it enough.

I tag...


  1. YAY FOR THE THRONE OF GLASS BOOK TAG! I'm 100% pleased with your choices (of the ones I've read, anyway), and I'm so happy that you had fun answering our little tag ;)

  2. I am a newish blog follower and my dear we may very well be bookish soul mates. So many of your favorites are my favorites and a lot of the books that you have loved are on my TBR.

    I agree with you on Z and Bella. Their romance sets a standard. I too have been afraid to read Ward's angel series. I have a few books in the BDB to finish off the series.

    I really need to read Scarlet and The Burning Sky. TBS especially sounds like it is wonderful.

    Thanks so much for filling out this tag! It made my bookish day. :)

  3. LOVE THIS TAG (of course). The Asterin Blackbeak prompt especially made me laugh. And I think I might have to pick Harry Potter as the book that feels like coming home too. I know what you mean when you say it's on an entirely different level. I'm planning on rereading them soon and I can't wait! Thanks for the tag!
