Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Claim Me

"No shame, no fear,
just people letting go of their inhibitions and gong in to...
--Elle Kennedy, Claimed

Genre: Adult Dystopia, Erotica, Post-Apocalyptic 
Publisher: Signet
Pages: 368
Publication Date: October 6th, 2015
Source: Bought
Previous Books in Series: First in series
Goodreads Description 

The bestselling author of the Killer Instincts novels “knows how to write scorching sexual tension” (USA Today). Now she really sets it on fire in a new series about men and women living on the edge of violence, sex, and life and death.

After a devastating war decimated most of the world, Hudson Lane has only known the oppressive life under her own father’s tyranny. She finally escapes, branding herself an outlaw and hunted by the Enforcers. Her best chance at survival is Connor Mackenzie, an aggressively sensual fugitive who opens her eyes to the wicked possibilities of a world without rules.

As the leader of a band of outlaw fighters, Connor can’t resist the beautiful stranger who asks for his protection. Despite his reservations, he agrees to introduce her to a whole new way of life. But when Connor discovers Hudson’s connection to the enemies of liberty, he wonders how far he can trust the woman who has abandoned all inhibitions to challenge every forbidden desire.

After reading this book, there is something seriously lacking in the book world. That being adult dystopia erotica. FOR REALZ! I am obsessed with the Beyond series by Kit Rocha which has a similar genre so I was beyond excited for this book and it did NOT disappoint!

CLAIMED is a world ravaged by war and natural disasters and a totalitarian government has risen up in its demise. There are people who follow the government and there are people who live outside called 'outcasts.' Connor is reluctant leader of a band of 5 men on the outside who are trying to survive and stick it to the government whenever they can by raiding their supply outlets for food. Connor also has a vendetta against a certain high ranking official that drives him to stay alive in order to one day seek vengeance. Hudson is woman also on the outside...but has she always been there? Her story unravels piece by piece but it is clear early on she is not an outsider.

This outside world is harsh and...overt. There's no such thing as privacy and people take pleasure when they can. Hudson learns this fact quickly when she encounters more people and how Connor and his band of merry men live. It's enlightening and awakening for her to finally be able to feel free to explore her sexuality. I LOVE stories like this! Love love love adore obsess can't get enough of. Women's sexuality is so oppressed and forced down in our culture that I love reading about world's where it is celebrated.

Speaking of sex...uality. This book is hot. I'm talking 5 alarms, take a cold shower, put the kids to bed early kinds of hot. Connor and his boys don't shy away from taking pleasure and very graciously always are in the mood to give it. While this book focuses on Connor, you can't help but notice Pike (mine, bitches back off), Rylan, Xander, and Kade. I already cannot wait to see what shenanigans and type of women these men find to knock them on their asses.

But like I said, this story focuses on Hudson and Connor and I ADORE THEM!!! Hudson is so totally kickass and smart and a NURSE! Holla at ya girl! What starts off as a purely physical relationship *cough* we all know these two are drawn to each other for more than their bodies. Both are stubborn mules, well no, Connor is a stubborn mule and refuses to acknowledge his feelings and Hudson knows she has feelings and is trying to play by his rules the right way. I liked that she didn't seek out trying to change his mind, she just did because she was herself.  Their dynamic is hot and sarcastic with the best side helping of dominance.

The end of this book had twists I didn't see coming and I LOVED how it all came together. Character reveals, emotional declarations, maybe even a stolen helicopter or two brings to you a wild ride at the end. I loved every second of reading this book and I legit read it in one sitting in about 4 hours. Can't stop, won't stop. Connor can claim me any time, day or night. Mine mine mine. 

Backstage Pass
If you love hot as hell love stories, dystopian worlds, and hot men...this book's for you.

1 comment :

  1. So I just recently read elle kennedy's NA, The Deal, and have decided I need to devour all books by her. love her! I've heard good things about her killer instincts series too, and I'll just have to add this to the list as well!!

    PS. the man on the cover has amazing penis pointers. (the pelvic V! betty calls them penis pointers and i can't call them anything else now! haha)

    -Wendy @ Book Scents
