Thursday, August 6, 2015

Take A Risk

"Nothing interesting ever happens to people 
who stay in their comfort zones all the time. "
--Lisa Kleypas Brown-Eyed Girl

Genre: Adult Romance, Contemporary
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Pages: 304
Publication Date: August 11th, 2015
Source: ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review
Previous Books in Series: Sugar Daddy & Blue-Eyed Devil & Smooth Talking Stranger
Goodreads Description

Avery Crosslin is a talented young fashion designer with a bright future ahead of her. But when the company goes into liquidation, Avery finds herself without a job and a boyfriend who decides to leave her.

When her father falls ill, Avery is by his side day and night. But one evening she notices a young man, Joe, in distress and offers to help. Their instant attraction to one another is magnetic but even though she is unexpectedly charmed by the good-looking stranger, Avery tells him that she has to leave. He asks for her name and number, but she lies and tells him she has a boyfriend. At this point in Avery's life, the last thing she wants or needs is more complications.

The next day, as Avery returns to the hospital to thank the nurses for taking such good care of her father at the end of his life, one of them gives her an envelope from Joe. It is addressed to "Brown-Eyed Girl."

Avery knows she wants to see Joe again but she faces a dilemma. When she learns that Joe is the man responsible for her father's death she is troubled.

Is there any hope of a future for them both?
It is no lie I fell in love with the Travis family earlier this year, so much so that by the time this post goes live I will have read every single book in the Travis series one year. Yeah, safe to say the obsession is real. And while I LOVE the Travis men, with every book it is the women I fall in love with. Their stories, their struggles, their triumphs, their hearts. They make these books what they are at their core. #FierceFemales. Avery is no exception and the perfect addition to the Travis brood. She is independent, intelligent, guarded, and kind-hearted. A heart breaking tragedy in her past is what erected her walls and when Joe Travis enters her life she is her own worst enemy. Avery is somebody I can relate to on a personal level and that made me love her that much more. She is hesitant for all the right reasons and reading her struggle with her emotions felt 100% honest and organic to her character. Her journey is not easy, they never are, but I loved being in her head. She's a definite new fav and I am crossing all my fingers and toes Lisa Kleypas gives us a big HEA epilogue cataloging their lives for about, oh I don't know, the next few decades? No? You're lying if you say you don't want that...we all know you do.

The Story
Joe and Avery meet while she is at work, she's a wedding planner and I love love LOVED this aspect of the story! Wedding planning is so intriguing to me and reading about Avery being a boss at her job and so organized and how she handles situations was so great! I love the romance, don't get me wrong, but as with past books the secondary meat of the story is equally compelling. Avery in her element and her relationship with her sister and coworkers also kept me turning the pages. All the love.

The Romance
Obviously, Joe Travis is no slouch and not somebody to forget about. He is different than his brothers, probably a happy medium in between. More assertive than Gage but not as domineering as Jack. He's more reserved and a perfect complement to Avery. I loved how he treated her and gave her space but also the assurance he was all in with her. He didn't push but he didn't back off to make her feel like she isn't worth the effort. It was a fantastic balance of give and take. Their romance was not as dramatic as previous books but I liked this. It was a great way to end this series in that I felt relaxed in the story and it flowed so organically that it felt comforting to be with these characters and watch Joe and Avery's story unfold. Lisa Kleypas' writing never ceases to amaze me in its emotion, simplicity, and deeper levels of complex human emotion. Seriously, you guys. If you have not read a Lisa Kleypas yet, put this series on your TBR ASAP!

If you love great writing, heartfelt love stories, and the Travis family...this book's for you.

1 comment :

  1. I loved Brown-Eyed Girl! I have been waiting for this book for what feels like FOREVER, so I was really nervous going into it. But I shouldn't have worried, because once again, Lisa Kleypas blew me away! It's a lovely read, and I enjoyed Joe and Avery as a couple <3
