Monday, November 12, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday: TT Books I'd Want on a Deserted Island

Yay! Another Top Ten Tuesday brought to us by the lovelies at The Broke and the Bookish!! This week's topic is the Top Ten Books I'd Want on a Deserted Island...does this situation involve Jack from Lost?...Or the hot guy on Survivor?...'Cuz then I'm definitely down for turning this into a real life situation...kidding...kinda...Anyways, my choices were based on books I could read over and over again and never get bored with so without further ado, my list is as follows!...

1. Harry Potter 
Um, obviously. I feel as if I do not need to expand on this. It is what is it. And yes, I'm starting off cheating and including an entire series...those who have read know you can't pick just one <3

2. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 
I could read this book over and over again and honestly never get sick of it. So much subtle humor and poignant thoughts and dialogue. One could spend endless hours analyzing and discussing this book at length. Beautiful and brilliant do not even begin to describe this book to its full justice. 

3. To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
I love this book. It is so pure and filled with so much right in a story where so much bad happens. This books opens up your eyes to the injustice of a world that isn't too far long ago and I could just devour this book over and over again. 

4. Juliet by Anne Fortier
I love Shakespeare, I love Romeo and Juliet and this novel takes a different look at their story. Switching back between now and then it is just breathtaking and I could get lost in this world anywhere and everywhere.

5. The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
I'm cheating again and counting this whole series just like Harry Potter...oh well. As corrupt as Panem is and as brutal as the Arena is I love this story. I need not elaborate because, let's be serious, you've all read it and know the pull of Katniss and Peeta and Gale :)

6. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte
Jane and Mr. Rochester's story is another rabbit hole I could fall down time and time again. She is so strong and noble and he so romantic I would not mind having this book to go back on multiple occasions. And we all know I could read about the dresses and customs of this time constantly and never get sick of it. 

7. A Discover of Witches by Deborah Harkness
Again, as much as I love messed up dystopia and the bloodshed of the Tudors I am a hopeless romantic and I could read about Matthew and Diana all day, every day. *swoon*

8. The Giver by Lois Lowry
I grew up on this book, in a literary sense this book raised me. It taught me how to love reading and stories and dystopia and this book will always hold the most ultimate place in my heart. 

9. Les Miserables by Victor Hugo
Only book I have on my list that I have not read because frankly...I'm gonna have to be on a deserted island in order to have the commitment and time to finish this. I have the highest ambition to read and enjoy this book...but not until everything else on my TBR list is completed. 1500 pages?! I need time because I don't want to be distracted by other shiny books. But I WILL read this...eventually...

10. The Bible

If I'm stranded on a deserted island, chances are my situation is not ideal. I watch Survivor, I've read Lord of the Flies, I was a die-hard fan of Lost, this will not be a vacation so I'm anticipating plenty of praying will be involved as to not end up eaten by the Island's black smoke monster. Bible, you will be go-to...but not until after I finish Les Mis...

Hope you enjoyed! Can't wait 'til next week! TTFN! <3


  1. I think reading The Hunger Games would be a great reminder that my life on a deserted island isn't so bad!

    1. Ha right! Silver lining: The Island could have 23 other people trying to actively kill you.

    2. That made me laugh out loud.

  2. I <333 Fortier's Juliet, so much that I had rather stayed in my hotel room and read the rest of the book than go out exploring! (I took it with me on vacation--to Italy! Funny that xP)

    Here's the books I chose for this week's TTT

    1. Oh my gosh! I haven't found ANYBODY that has read this book! SO FREAKIN' GOOD! LOVE that you would rather read than explore sounds like something I would do... <3

  3. Les Mis - a great (long) pick. Should keep you busy.

    1. I know right! I want to read it I just know I don't have the commitment but I've heard so many great things about it, I know I'll have to get to it eventually!

  4. I wanted to include Harry Potter and Hunger Games so bad! But I didn't want to include the whole series and you're right, can't pick just one! Great list!

    Here's my Top Ten!

  5. I adore To Kill a Mockingbird!!! Here's my TTT:

    Alice @ Alice in Readerland

  6. New follower here. Love the list. Who doesnt love To Kill a Mockingbird? Feel free to come by and checkout my TTT

    1. Thank you so much for following! TKaM is so fantastic isn't it?! I'll definitely check out your list! :)

  7. I had Les Mis and A Discovery of Witches on my list as well. TKAM is a great choice, one of my favourite books and I could read it so many times.

    1. LOVE A Discovery of Witches! I want the third book like yesterday LOL

  8. I also picked The book thief and (of course) Harry Potter!


    1. Oh my gosh, I could talk about The Book Thief

    2. Me too, it's one of my favorite books <3

      And as a reply to your comment on my blog; yes, I read the White queen from the Cousin's war and I'm planning to read The red queen soon!

    3. Haven't read The Red Queen yet, Margaret Beaufort doesn't really get my interest piqued but Lady of the Rivers is phenomenal!!! Kingmaker's Daughter is really good too! Way different perspective on identical events in history, really quite brilliant on Gregory's part.

  9. love the hunger games, great pick for channeling some survival skills! it might get real on that island! Check out our TTT ~ Katie @ Inkk

  10. I love A Discovery of Witches (and Shadow of Night). I didn't include it, 10 would not be enough!

    1. I know right! I could read about Matthew de Clairmont :)

  11. Harry Potter is a must! I also need to read The Book Thief SOOON, I have a copy on my shelf and everything. :)

    1. Oh my gosh you MUST read The Book Thief! Life-changer...really :)

  12. Yes, definitely Harry Potter! To Kill a Mockingbird and The Hunger Games almost made it to my list also.

  13. Yay for Harry Potter and Hunger Games. I would definitely need them if I were stuck on a deserted island :)

  14. Harry Potter is a must! I liked The Book Thief as well. Great list!

  15. The Book Thief!! Love that book! I would bawl EVERY TIME!
