Friday, June 1, 2018

Itinerary Update {6}

Oh, hello! It's more than likely that you haven't noticed--except Hannah--that I've been pretty MIA in regards to the blog the last few months. I've loved doing special posts like Galentine's Day with Alexa, Hannah, and Rachel and UK Recs Fit for a Queen & UK Recap with Hannah, but I just haven't been motivated to write reviews or travel posts or lifestyle posts. I don't know guys, blogging has always been a passion project of mine; a place to call my own to express my thoughts on books, travel, and life so if I wasn't feeling inspired to blog or write...I wouldn't.

It hasn't been for lack of good books or travel or life events, I just found more of my time being relegated to reading and not worrying about writing reviews. Not to mention I've gone pretty deep into the planner world--Lord, nobody saw that coming that's for sure--and I've loved doing that kind of scrapbooking stuff so yeah! Long story short--but clearly not--hi, I'm still here! You haven't missed me because I'm not that important but maybe some of y'all are still around. Hannah has been instrumental in my inspiration to blog again because she is my number one hype girl in life and in this blog and her saying she missed my reviews and Mug Lifes pretty much meant the world to me so here we are! I apparently had quite a few old book reviews drafted from MONTHS ago that will be unleashed over the next few weeks so yay for content.

Gas Works Park in Seattle, WA
What else have I been up to?
Traveling! My 2018 motto was 'Make It Count' and to me that means taking advantage of life as much as I can aka traveling and just being in the moment living that hygge life. I recently went to Seattle, Atlanta to visit Hannah, and NYC with my sister. They were all AMAZING adventures! Seattle was such an incredible solo trip--partner trip if you count Marty the minivan--and reiterated why I love to travel by myself. There is a serenity that comes over me when I'm discovering a new place and have only myself to rely on. The quiet moments of reading in a cafe or park are what will always stick with me and usually are the best parts of my trips because I live for the calm in between the storms of activty.
Baelin & Feybae
Any time spent with Hannah is much-needed and too short! My 5 days in Atlanta always go by way too fast because we have!. You'd think we would have run out of things to talk about by now but that's a hard no. Planner nights and frosted coffees and bookstore wandering and a perfect day in the North Georgia Mountains were just a few amazing moments of our trip. I'm pretty sure we could be locked in her house for 5 days and we'd still have the best time ever. She's my person and I'm already counting down until the next time we see each other! *cough please let a passport be needed cough*

My sister is in graduate school for physical therapy and she only had one week that we could take a trip so right after ATL it was! She has never been to New York and always wanted to go so we took a short 3.5 day trip which was SO much fun! As pictured above, the weather could have been better but we definitely rallied and made the most of it. Kinky Boots and seeing Carrie Bradshaw's apartment were the highlights of our trip! And while it was convenient because we wanted to see more than one show, I will never stay in Midtown again...ever. There are WAY too many people for my taste and I will suffer through extra subway rides next time and stay downtown because wandering aroung Greenwich and Soho was SO much more my style and scene. Phew!

Is there more to life than travel?
Besides travel, I've been reading a TON of good books! Most of which can be seen in Instagram because, like I said before, I've been MIA from the blog but living my best life on my favorite social media platform because I love photos! I've got a ton of recs from Hannah to work through because I was again down to zero books on my TBR so I browsed her shelves and took a ton of recs from her and I am seriously living my best life with about 17 books checked out from the library and it is amazing! I'll also be moving into a new apartment next month with my sister and I SO EXCITED to have my own desk and place to put all my planner stuff--yes, I am SO that person now *shrugs*.

GAH! Wow, I have gone on way too long SO ipso facto, I'm gonna be trying to blog more consistently like I used to and be inspired to post so yay!

What have you been up to?
What books have you been reading?
What trips have you been planning?


  1. I'm with you about New York! The Greenwich Village area is sooo much more my scene; definitely will only stay there going forward haha.

    1. Right?! Never again, already can't wait to go back and stay somewhere else haha.

  2. I've missed your Mug Lifes, too! So happy to see you'll be posting again.

    1. Oh, wow thank you so much! This means so much to and stay tuned on Friday for another Mug Life woot woot!

  3. Glad to hear you'll be posting again! :)

    I definitely feel the same way about traveling. I do some solo travel, too. So far this year it's been to New Zealand and a quick city trip to Portland (and Powell's Books!). I'm looking forward to going to Germany in September and half the fun is deciding where to go next.

    1. That sounds incredible! I cannot WAIT to go to New Zealand at some point, hopefully sooner than later! I also love that moment and thought process of 'where do I wanna go next?' Happy traveling to Germany! Jealous!
