Monday, November 18, 2013

Don't Judge a Book By Its Cover--Top Ten Tuesday

Ok y'all. So because I was  slow on the uptake I did this week's TTT hosted by The Broke and The Bookish last week so now I'm doing LAST week's topic this week. I think a cover helps a book out immensely but at the same can't judge a book by it's cover. A lot of these books featured below are some of my favorite books but their covers are atrocious.

In fact, here is my reason for why I hate every single cover below...I can't stand real people on the cover of books. No, I take that back, I don't like real people's FACES. Bodies with no faces, sure. But straight on, looking at the camera, real person face creeps me out. I hate it. Therefore, I dislike all of these covers...but the books are fantastic. Here we go.

Can't wait to see who your TTT you'd recommend to people! 


  1. Wow all those faces!!! That Vampire Academy totally made my list last week. Actually all Richelle Mead's covers are kind of blah. She should really do something about that. I didn't mind the Wither or Fever cover... but I HATED the third book Sever. That gross greenness just wasnt appealing to me. But yes I agree... let's all say NO to faces!!

    My TTT

  2. The Chemical Garden trilogy covers are quite weird. The model is at such a weird angle. Great choices :-)

  3. Yeah I'm not a huge face/cover fan myself. I love the other covers for the Throne of Glass though!

  4. I have to admit to not really likely faces on covers either. Those VA ones made my list as well, really horrible covers! My TTT.

  5. VA covers are pretty terrible. And I hate the old Throne of Glass cover. The new one is much better! Same with the new Shatter Me covers. The eyes are so much cooler.

  6. I totally agree! I really don't like covers with faces haha! :P

    Great post! :)

    Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
    My TTT Post! :)

  7. VA covers was almost on everyone's post last week!

    Our TTT

    Doris @ OABR

  8. Good list -- I love a lot of those books but definitely don't love the covers (Paper Towns, Bloodlines series, VA)

    My TTT

  9. I have this exact same pet peeve. I can't stand it when a cover is just a face and nothing else. Yes, I assumed there would be people in this book, thanks... Tell me moooooore! I'm so glad the Shatter Me covers were redesigned, the new covers are gorgeous.

  10. Yes! I actually much prefer the headless covers - quite like them, actually. Even though apparently most people don't. *shrugs*

    Shatter Me is actually one of the very few cases where I LOVED the redesign and was glad it happened.

  11. I seem to be the only one here who actually likes faces on book covers.
