Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Pages: 356
Pages: 356
Publication Date: November 8th, 2011
Source: Bought
Previous Posts: Birthmarked Review, Prized Review, Promised Review, Birthmarked Re-Read, Prized Re-Read
Previous Posts: Birthmarked Review, Prized Review, Promised Review, Birthmarked Re-Read, Prized Re-Read
Goodreads Description
After defying the ruthless Enclave, surviving the wasteland, and overthrowing Sylum, Gaia Stone now faces her greatest challenge yet--to lead the people of Sylum back to the Enclave and persuade the Protectorat to grant them refuge. But in Gaia's absence, the Enclave has become even more ruthless, picking girls from outside the wall to serve in an experimental baby factory. Babies with the right genes are now a priceless commodity with the potential to reshape life inside the wall and redefine humanity. The key to it all comes back to one fearless, young midwife. When negotiations devolve into terrorist threats, Gaia finds herself at the crux of an insupportable decision.
As a leader, a woman, and an idealist in love, Gaia must decide if she can sacrifice what--or whom--she values most.
After defying the ruthless Enclave, surviving the wasteland, and overthrowing Sylum, Gaia Stone now faces her greatest challenge yet--to lead the people of Sylum back to the Enclave and persuade the Protectorat to grant them refuge. But in Gaia's absence, the Enclave has become even more ruthless, picking girls from outside the wall to serve in an experimental baby factory. Babies with the right genes are now a priceless commodity with the potential to reshape life inside the wall and redefine humanity. The key to it all comes back to one fearless, young midwife. When negotiations devolve into terrorist threats, Gaia finds herself at the crux of an insupportable decision.
As a leader, a woman, and an idealist in love, Gaia must decide if she can sacrifice what--or whom--she values most.
WHEN I First Read
October 17th, 2012
WHAT I Remember
Embarrassing enough, I really only remember the final big scene of this novel. I remember bits and pieces of things that happen but really don't remember a lot. So I was excited to get into this book and read what led up to the big finale which is the only thing I remember.
WHY I Wanted to Re-Read
Birthmarked and the rest of the series holds a special place in my heart. I was going through some things that made me question my own character and personality and ability to be loved. Gaia is one of the strongest heroines I have ever read about and I drew strength from her and from Leon who loved her BECAUSE of her fiery strength and fierce personality. I read these all together and so quickly I will most likely use this exact paragraph in the future re-read posts of the next books. Sorry not sorry. (Yep, leaving that same paragraph as from the last re-read.) I remember this book specifically because I could not stop reading and the ending was...heart-breaking in it's conclusion. It shares a very similar scene to one of my favorite books ever so I was excited to re-live that emotional component.
HOW I Felt After Re-Reading
I loved it. The first time I read this book and series I was so intent on reading and finishing because I HAD to know what happened so the gist of details was a little jumbled in books 2 and 3. Re-reading helped me solidify the plot, pick up a few details I missed, and really enjoy being with the characters.
WOULD You Re-Read Again?
Yes! This is one of my favorite series and one of the best dystopians out there, in my opinion. With the dystopian genre becoming a a such a fad there is a big saturation of books in the genre. I've read a ton of dystopians and this is a shining star. It is brutal, heart-wrenching, honest, and raw in the best and worst way. It is intelligent and heroic and I just can't say enough good things about this series.
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