Friday, September 5, 2014

Get Real--August

Real Book Challenge on Swoony Boys Podcast and Fiction Fare August really over? Where did summer go?! Have I really been in San Diego all this time? Weird. Well I binge read one of the best series this month (two actually but the other one was digital) so below I get to highlight that along with some books I didn't like unfortunately. What can ya do? Thanks again to the ladies at Fiction Fare and Swoony Boys Podcast for hosting The "Real" Book Challenge!

What I Read in August--8 books

Don't forget to check out the feature over at Fiction Fare and Swoony Boys Podcast!! 

1 comment :

  1. I have Dark Fever but haven't read it yet! Is there a guy in this series I NEED TO KNOW ABOUT IT?? Why haven't you pushed this on me before?? HUH, FRIEND, WHYYY? Also, hell yeah to The Darkest Kiss. I'm still sad about your reaction to Ugly Love. I need to read Lailah for review. How was that?
