Tuesday, June 23, 2015

You Say Beast, I Say Husband Material

"Daydreams were dangerous 
because they made her wish for things she could never have."
--Julie Garwood, Ransom

Genre: Adult Historical Romance
Publisher: Atria
Pages: 486
Publication Date: February 1st, 1999
Source: Borrowed from library
Previous Books in Series: The Secret
Goodreads Description

In the dark days after the death of Richard the Lionhearted, lives and lands would fall into upheaval at the hands of a power-hungry British ruler and his violent minions. One victim of the scourge is innocent Gillian, who is a mere child when the cruel and ambitious Baron Alford slaughters her father and tears her family apart. Alford, determined to recover a jeweled box for the despotic King John, is furious when the precious treasure slips through his fingers--only to be lost for more than a decade.

Now a beautiful young woman who has forged a life for herself, Gillian finds the key to resolving her past in handsome Scottish chieftains Ramsey Sinclair and Brodick Buchanan. With the cunning and courage of the daring Scotsmen, and with the friendship of a new ally, Bridgid KirkConnell, Gillian at last fights the unscrupulous Baron Alford, laying claim to her home, her family, and her father's reputation. But in the presence of the mighty warriors, Gillian and Bridgid discover that desire can be a weapon of conquest...betrayal can slay trust in a heartbeat...and the greatest risk of all is surrender--to the deep emotions of unexpected love.
It's no surprise that after reading The Secret, I abandoned all other reading plans to read Ransom. Thank God, I had it already on hand! Alexa told me Brodick, the hero of the second book, is her favorite guy and we usually have complementary if not similar tastes and I was eager to see how this guy could live up to Iain and Judith.Ooooh, did they!

Brodick and Gillian are a fantastic couple. Gillian witnessed the brutal murder of her father and the overtaking of his estate as well as the loss of her sister. She has grown up plotting revenge on the man that took everything from her and when an opportunity presents itself to try run away and find the sister she once lost, she takes it...along with an unlikely companion. Gillian meets Brodick, laird of the Buchanans, probably the scariest mother fuckers in all of the Highlands...*sigh*. Brodick, being the agressive and possessive man that he is, has no idea how to process the protective instincts he feels for Gillian. It is hilariously adorable watching him wade through these emotions.

Gillian is a badass. She takes zero shit. She scares the man who destoryed her family. She is fearless, she is strong, and she protects those around her fiercely. I loved her tenacity and strength in the face of strugle. Her path is not easy and she struggles with accepting the possibility that she could be happy and she could live happily ever after with the man that she loves. I particularly loved the way she took to the rest of Brodick's men. She respected and honored them and they in turn did the same--I loved watching this!

Brodick and Gillian's relationship is hotachacha. He is broody and sarcastic and takes what he wants. He asks no questions but kicks all asses. He is fierce and strong and sexy as all hell. His feelings towards Gillian are a mix of simple and complex and I love love loved watching him go all alpha male on anyone threatening her. And then you add in Brigid and Ramsey and all their adorable cluelessness and you get a fantastic side story as well. The friendship between Brigid and Gillian was new and fresh and really great to read. Garwood does fantastic female relationships and I loved reading about them becoming friends.

The plot is quick paced and kept me turning the pages and totally engaged. I HAD to find out what would happen and couldn't read fast enough! The element of the awful English lord who took over Gillian's family's land and the mystery of a lost box was a fantasitc plot conflict.I really loved seeing the ferocity that is Gillian fight back. I loved the developing relationships between Brodick and Gillian as well as Ramsey and Brigid. I loved this as much if not more than The Secret and that is saying something!
If you love Scottish men, protective brutes, and romance worthy of fainting...this books' for you.

1 comment :

  1. I'm just so deliriously happy that you loved Ransom (and The Secret). Because those are two of my favorite historical romances of all time! But seriously, isn't Brodick wonderful? Isn't Gillian amazing? Isn't this entire story FANTASTIC? <3
