Monday, March 9, 2015

A Solider and A Pixie Round 2

Genre: New Adult Contemporary
Publisher: William Morrow Paperbacks
Pages: 368
Publication Date: January 7th, 2014
Goodreads Description

Cora Lewis is a whole lot of fun, and she knows how to keep her tattooed bad boy friends in line. But all that flash and sass hide the fact that she’s never gotten over the way her first love broke her heart. Now she has a plan to make sure that never happens again: She’s only going to fall in love with someone perfect.

Rome Archer is as far from perfect as a man can be. He’s stubborn and rigid, he’s bossy and has come back from his final tour of duty fundamentally broken. Rome’s used to filling a role: big brother, doting son, super soldier; and now none of these fit anymore. Now he’s just a man trying to figure out what to do with the rest of his life while keeping the demons of war and loss at bay. He would have been glad to suffer it alone, until Cora comes sweeping into his life and becomes the only color on his bleak horizon.

Perfect isn’t in the cards for these two, but imperfect might just last forever . . .

WHEN I First Read
January 2014

WHAT I Remember
Loving Rome and his struggle to adapt to civilian life. I remember wanting to wrap him in a huge bear hug and never letting go. And Cora being beyond words annoying...

WHY I Wanted to Re-Read
Besides wanting to re-live the entire Marked Men experience, I really wanted to see if my thoughts about this book changed. I could not stand Cora when I first read this and it was standing as the weak point in the series to me. I was really hoping I changed my mind on the second go around...

HOW I Felt After Re-Reading
...and it did. Oh. My. Gosh. Never did I see this coming. I LOVE Cora. I can relate A LOT to Cora. How far up my ass was my head that I couldn't see this the first time around? I don't want to know. Cora is so vulnerable and beautiful and just wants so badly for somebody to prove to her that real love exists. Le sigh. I just can't. And Rome...ROME!!!! I love this big brother and he is just 15 kinds of sexy. I wanna climb that big man like a tree. Holy fuck. But back to the story, I loved Cora coming to the acceptance that perfection is in the eyes of the beholder and sometimes perfection is seriously overrated. Their journey is beautiful and I am SO HAPPY I re-read this because I not only upped my rating of this book a whole star, but I fell in love with a character I previously disregarded. Foot-firmly in mouth.

WOULD You Re-Read Again?
Yeah, I really would! I loved getting to know Cora more and being encompasses by Rome's sexiness and his struggle and I could see myself wanting to re-live that experience again.

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