Monday, February 23, 2015

RSVP Early To...A Court of Thorns and Roses

Y'all know how I feel about the Throne of Glass series and the writing of Sarah J Maas. I'm a member of The Thirteen. I'm invested. I'm all friggin' in for Team Celaena. So when I heard Sarah was writing another series...a series inspired by Beauty and the still my heart!!!! I was UBER fortunate to get an advanced copy of ACOTAR, it was waiting for me when I got home from traveling and I IMMEDIATELY started it the day I got home and could not put it down! In between Christmas shopping and catching up with friends, all I wanted to do was read about Feyre and Tamlin and this enchanted Beauty and the Beast inspired story. And it did NOT disappoint! are a few key words as to WHY you need to RSVP Early To...

A story rich in emotion that immediately makes you never want to stop reading.
A heroine who is strong yet vulnerable, biting yet loving, tough yet compassionate.
A hero who is awkward yet endearing, closed up yet open. feral yet tender.
A romance that makes your heart ache, your stomach drop, and makes you feel butterflies EVERYWHERE.
A world of Fae that makes you long for pointed ears.
A curse that makes you look at masks in an entirely different way.
A Beauty and the Beast story that is perfect...PERFECT in its execution, similarities, and differences.
A battle for true love.
A damsel who is not in distress but who must save her prince.
A beast, a beauty, and two people who fit both descriptions.
A tale...well...a tale as old as time. 

Stay tuned in a few weeks for my full review of A Court of Thorns and Roses.
Until then, get excited and pre-order the book.

Genre: Fantasy
Publisher: Bloomsbury
Pages: 435
Publication Date: May 5th, 2015
Source: ARC provided by publisher in exchange for an honest review


  1. I haven't read a Maas book yet but SO MANY PEOPLE are talking about this one. I have it on my list, and I plan on giving it a try at some point. :)

  2. Basically, yes. You've summed up all the wonderful things about A Court of Thorns and Roses! I loved it so dang much, and cannot wait for the rest of the world to be reading it as well. (PS - I still stand by my love for Lucien!)
