Genre: YA Dystopia
Publisher: Roaring Brook Press
Pages: 356
Pages: 356
Publication Date: November 8th, 2011
Goodreads Description
Striking out into the wasteland with nothing but her baby sister, a handful of supplies, and a rumor to guide her, sixteen-year-old midwife Gaia Stone survives, only to be captured by the people of Sylum, a dystopian society where women rule the men who drastically outnumber them, and a kiss is a crime. In order to see her sister again, Gaia must submit to their strict social code and the oppressive rules of Matrarc Olivia. Meanwhile, two brothers claim her attention as they attempt to understand the environmental trap that keeps the people of Sylum captive, and suddenly Gaia must contend with the exciting, uncomfortable, and altogether new feeling of being desired.
But when someone from her past shows up, Gaia discovers that survival alone is not enough and that justice requires sacrifice.
Striking out into the wasteland with nothing but her baby sister, a handful of supplies, and a rumor to guide her, sixteen-year-old midwife Gaia Stone survives, only to be captured by the people of Sylum, a dystopian society where women rule the men who drastically outnumber them, and a kiss is a crime. In order to see her sister again, Gaia must submit to their strict social code and the oppressive rules of Matrarc Olivia. Meanwhile, two brothers claim her attention as they attempt to understand the environmental trap that keeps the people of Sylum captive, and suddenly Gaia must contend with the exciting, uncomfortable, and altogether new feeling of being desired.
But when someone from her past shows up, Gaia discovers that survival alone is not enough and that justice requires sacrifice.
WHEN I First Read
October 13th, 2012
WHAT I Remember
A really crazy new society that Gaia ends up finding past the forest. Not one, not two, but THREE guys vying for her attention to which I think, 'Fuck you Enclave and labeling her a freak just because she has a scar.' Heart-pounding anxiety as to WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN NEXT. Bribing my charge nurse to let me leave work early so I could finish reading this book...no joke...that happened. Leon...so much feeling for Leon. Gaia having to find her fiery heart. Lots of feels. Lots and lots of feels.
WHY I Wanted to Re-Read
Birthmarked and the rest of the series holds a special place in my heart. I was going through some things that made me question my own character and personality and ability to be loved. Gaia is one of the strongest heroines I have ever read about and I drew strength from her and from Leon who loved her BECAUSE of her fiery strength and fierce personality. I read these all together and so quickly I will most likely use this exact paragraph in the future re-read posts of the next books. Sorry not sorry. (Yep, leaving that same paragraph as from the last re-read.) I remember this book specifically because I could not stop reading. My stomach was in knots with anticipation and there is a crazy amount of drama that I just loved. Other people might not but I loved it! Can't wait to get back into it!
HOW I Felt After Re-Reading
I loved it even more! I remembered there was a ton of drama but re-reading it made me see it wasn't all that crazy. I mean, it was, but in a good way. The society that Gaia finds herself in in Sylum is very different from anything she (or I) am used to. Lots of anger I remember feeling at one particular character is still present but I love re-living the swoons. This book has a lot of complex emotions so while it hurt at times to read Leon and Gaia's anger and pain, it was so worth it in the end.
WOULD You Re-Read Again?
Yes, yes, yes, yes, YES!!! I liked it even more on the second read because the drama I thought I remembered as a little far-fetched actually made a lot more sense on this read. I loved it. I loved it so hard because the situations and drama just felt so real to me and I loved the romance that occurred.
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