Monday, October 27, 2014

The Terrible Twos, My Blog is Now a Toddler

Happy Blog Birthday to me!! Oh, my gosh y'all I cannot believe I have been doing this for two years!! It is incredible to me to think about when I first started and had NO IDEA what I was doing...well, I still don't know what I'm doing most of the time but hey, life is a learning curve right? Last year for my blog birthday I was in Europe and didn't do anything...oops. But this year I thought I would try something a little different. Besides talking below about all the way that blogging has changed my life, I really want to thank all you amazing readers as well as try and rejuvenate the blog and get some new buzz and excitement going on here!

First things first. Before I started blogging I thought I was a freak. No, really. I loved reading. I geeked about numerous books. It's how I spend my free time. My friends thought I was a weirdo. "But can you sit for that long and read? I can't sit that long." Well that sucks for you because reading is awesome. I had no idea about this blogging world until I was at a book signing and this girl I was talking to asked if I blogged...uh, you mean write stuff on the internet like a dork? No, I don't blog. She said I should really think about it because it's a great way to connect with authors and other readers. What now? There are other people like me?!? So I started my blog and looooong story short, it has changed my life.

Because of blogging...
I have read books that have changed my life thanks to recommendations 
Connected with authors (who are obviously my rockstars) of my favorite books that I NEVER thought was even possible
And I can say without even a shadow of a doubt that I have met some of my very best friends that I have in my life today.

At the core of what I am grateful for due to blogging are the people I have met. I am...blessed beyond words with the friends I have made. Without blogging, there would be no Betty, Hannah, Cass or Alexa in my life. 2 years ago I did not know these amazing women existed and I thank God every day I have them in my life. (Oh, dear I'm actually getting teary eyed thinking about this). I have not had the best of luck with friends in my real life and I do not know what I did before I met these women but I do not know what I would do without them today. When I was having an emotional breakdown in Europe--Betty is the one I talked to and who was there for me. Actually...any time I'm having a moment Betty is there for me. She is my best friend with no filters, boundaries, or lines of appropriateness. Hannah is the person who is always there to let me vent and offer the most sound and realistic advice. She is always and has been there for me in many moments when I needed a friend and a pick me up. And she and I have some of the deepest conversation about book meanings and themes and, duh, our love of all things Russian. Alexa is somebody I talk to almost every single day. Well I talk to each of these girls every single day but regardless, A is the friend who will randomly text you just to ask you how your day is...and actually care. She is an amazing friend and we not only talk about real life stuff but everyday flailing. If I could screenshot every ridiculous conversation we've had about books and boys we could probably pen a book. No joke. Cass is my cursing spirit animal. She is the first person to tell me I will love a book and most likely has it in the mail already for me. Her videos she sends me basically make my day. Oh, and she has fabulous hair...bitch...She is also the one to drop all pleasantries and tell me exactly how it is. I both appreciate and respect the hell out of this. I have no idea what I would do without these amazing women and I thank God every day I have them in my life. They are the truest friends I have with the exception of my sisters. We all know blogging friends are the best friends. 

Phew. Okay, well now that I'm done being sappy! I have to also tell you more about the amazing people I am so blessed to call my friends.

Jaime and Erin at Fic Fare are two of the nicest people you will ever meet. They love books so hard and I have read so many amazing books thanks to them. They are kind and thoughtful and hilarious! I love that I can text Jaime any dirty thoughts I have while really, it's a little ridiculous. Jaime hears my venting while reading The Original Sinners and Erin is there to hear my feels in all things historical. 

Rachel, at hello, chelly, also a partner in crime in all things naughty. She has AMAZING taste in books and I know if she 4 or 5 stars a book or tells me to read something, I know I will and I know I'll love it. 

Estelle at Rather Be Reading knows my dirty mind better than I do. The NA and romance recs she gives me are impeccable. I don't know if I should be concerned that she knows this intimate part of me so well but...what are friends for, hey?

Stephanie at No BS Book Reviews is a new friend and I am SO happy I became obsessed with her blog a few months ago! OMG, flailing over all things Love, in English and The Original Sinners is pure perfection.  

Seriously you guys, their blogs are my absolute favorites and if you don't know them yet check them out. They have great tastes in books and they all bring something amazing and unique to the blogging world.

Now, let's talk about a book giveaway! You want some books? Yeah, that's right I know you do.

WELL! I recently created a Facebook page (C'mon, click 'like' you know you wanna!) for the blog which I'm SUPER excited about! I had way too much fun being inspired to think of album title and post pictures in it. I am really looking forward to connecting with people on there and updating it. So to help spread the word about my new Facebook page and my blog birthday in general, I want to do a great giveaway and I need your help! 

Enter the Rafflecopter giveaway below and tell me how you follow and/or how you spread the Belle of the Literati love. What books am I giving away? Glad you asked! I will be giving one book away for sure and that will be a paperback copy of The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon because it was one of my FAVORITE reads of last year...and this year. The other books I'll be giving away are a few of  my favorite life-changersadn the more people that enter the more books I'll giveaway. Up for potential grabs are...

The Sea of Tranquility by Katja Millay
The Bronze Horseman by Paullina Simons
Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas
Me Before You by Jojo Moyes
Hopeless by Colleen Hoover
Love, in English by Karina Halle

If there are any more books to giveaway in addition to The Bone Season, it will be winners choice what book they want!

Like my Facebook Page here!
Follow me on Twitter here!
And check out the right hand side to follow via Bloglovin' or Email!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Yay for turning 2!!!! I've really enjoyed following your blog over the past few months. Whatever you say, you always have meaning or a reason to say it, and I love that, because sometimes I see posts just for the sake of posts and that can get overdone. Thanks for the giveaway, and I hope your next year of blogging is magical! :)

    Amanda @ Of Spectacles and Books

  2. HAHAHA. My mom would be so proud. :) Happy 2 years lady. So glad to get to you know. xoxo

  3. You calling me "a partner in crime in all things naughty" totally made me laugh this morning. But now that I think about it - it's soooo true! You are the only person I talk to about those books lol.

    Anyways, happy 2nd bday to your blog! I love your reviews and the honest, heartfelt way you talk about books :)

  4. Awww girl you made me teary eyed just reading about your friendships. GO YOU! So happy you are in the blog world and I have loved reading your blog, getting to know your reading tastes, and chatting books from time to time.

    I'm also very excited about your blog Facebook page and your cover photo is so awesome. Aaaannnnnd I'm having possibly way too much fun creeping your pictures. ;)

    P.S. WHY DID I NOT KNOW YOU ARE ON INSTAGRAM?! This should not surprise me. But still.

    1. P.P.S. What I love about Belle of the Literati... that you are so down to earth, that you always reach out on Twitter for longer chats, that you have GREAT recommendations.

  5. Wow, time flies! Congratulations on your blog birthday. Hope to see you around for many more :)
    *throws virtual confetti*

  6. I really love your versatility of posts and your overall theme of the blog! It's so welcoming and classy and fun all at the same time :)

  7. Love the homeliness of the blog and that you're part of the Maas Thirteen! ToG <33 *dies of jealousy* XD
    –B @Fangirling Misses

  8. Happy blogaversary!!! I love that i've gotten to know you through blogging!! blogging friends are def the best kind of friends :)

  9. Christina R. in rafflecopter

    Happy Blogoversary!!

    I LOVE your blog! I love your writing because it's fun and we get to know why you love books and we get your personality so it's like we get to know you as well :)

    thank you so very much :)

  10. I love your blog because I think you are very witty in your reviews. And we seem to have the same taste in books so I know if you recommend it I'm probably going to love it too!

  11. OH GEEZ. You already know you made me cry. #noshockthere. LOVE THE EFFING CRAP OUT OF YOU & the whole circle of trust <3 don't know what id do without you guys!! xoxoxoxoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxox

  12. Happy Blogoversary!!!!! I miss you and you can text me the dirty stuff too! :)

  13. Happy blogoversary! I only found your blog this year but I absolutely love how honest you are when it comes to your reviews.

  14. I am sad that I am 19 days late wishing you a happy blogoversary but my work and school have dominated my life lately and blogging has taken a back seat. Anyway, HAPPY BLOGOVERSARY! Our blog is just a few months younger than yours so close in age, and I can say that 2 years has flown by for us too. But blogging has been such a rewarding experience and I agree that there are people in this community that are just amazing. I don't know where I would be without it. I am so glad we have met and even though our reading preferences don't overlap all of the time, I love reading your reviews because they are honest and hilarious. And I am also getting trip ideas from you :) I hope you continue to love blogging and grace this community with your presence for years to come (when you are not off visiting the world).

  15. I LOVE YOU LOADS <3 I seriously can't even begin to imagine how different my life would be without you in it (and I refuse to consider the possibility of that ever happening, so you're stuck with me). I'm so grateful that the blogs brought us together; but I'm even more grateful that we've become the kind of friends who can talk about other things too. (You may continue to expect texts at all hours about books and other things, by the way.)

    Love you + your hysterical & honest reviews + here's to many, many more years of blogging & friendship to come!
