"I think Life is a book...God writes it.
We're His characters. He knows what happens on the next page, but we don't.
Heaven is where we get to read the book cover to cover and see how it all makes sense."
We're His characters. He knows what happens on the next page, but we don't.
Heaven is where we get to read the book cover to cover and see how it all makes sense."
--Tiffany Reisz, The Saint
Publisher: Harlequin MIRA
Pages: 446
Publication Date: June 24th, 2014
Source: Bought
Goodreads Description
In the beginning, there was him.
Gutsy, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll never go to church again. But her first glimpse of beautiful, magnetic Father Søren Stearns and his lust-worthy Italian motorcycle is an epiphany. Suddenly, daily Mass seems like a reward, and her punishment is the ache she feels when they're apart. He is intelligent and insightful and he seems to know her intimately at her very core. Eleanor is consumed—and even she knows that can't be right.
But when one desperate mistake nearly costs Eleanor everything, it is Søren who steps in to save her. She vows to repay him with complete obedience…and a whole world opens before her as he reveals to her his deepest secrets.
Danger can be managed—pain, welcomed. Everything is about to begin.
In the beginning, there was him.
Gutsy, green-eyed Eleanor never met a rule she didn't want to break. She's sick of her mother's zealotry and the confines of Catholic school, and declares she'll never go to church again. But her first glimpse of beautiful, magnetic Father Søren Stearns and his lust-worthy Italian motorcycle is an epiphany. Suddenly, daily Mass seems like a reward, and her punishment is the ache she feels when they're apart. He is intelligent and insightful and he seems to know her intimately at her very core. Eleanor is consumed—and even she knows that can't be right.
But when one desperate mistake nearly costs Eleanor everything, it is Søren who steps in to save her. She vows to repay him with complete obedience…and a whole world opens before her as he reveals to her his deepest secrets.
Danger can be managed—pain, welcomed. Everything is about to begin.
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. This is the story and the origins of Nora and Soren. Excuse me, Eleanor and Soren. First of all, I loved that I could read this story with no anxiety. I know how their story ends. I don't have to be wondering if they get together or not. I just fell right into the story and loved spending time with Eleanor and Soren. Our story is told via flashbacks with Nora in present day grieving over an unknown situation and hanging out *cough* with Nicolas.
Let me tell you, the writing of Tiffany Reisz never ceases to amaze me. She tells this story with a beautiful hindsight and all the details finally fall into place. I was so invested in this story and I actually forgot I was reading at points and that we were heading towards a conclusion because I was so captivated by the story. I never wanted it to end. I loved seeing Eleanor and Soren's first interactions and what brought them to their epic relationship. Their conversations are deep, thought provoking, sexy. The way they connect fully and completely and the lengths they go to to be there for one another is breathtaking at points. You know going into it that certain things happened in specific situations but getting the details was enthralling. So much more happens that I could have ever imagined. Soren continues to make me weak in the knees and worship at his feet but it was Nora and Kingsley who really blew me away.
Nora...I didn't think I could love Nora anymore but teenage Eleanor was quite a treat. She is funny and witty and smart! Her dialogue is so freaking funny I was actually laughing at loud at so many points. I loved her vulgar mouth and how confident she was. The way she handles, because yes she does handle him, Soren was f'ing amazing. She takes it and gives it back just as much. For reals. My heart broke for her reading about the truth behind her relationship with her parents. I wanted to take her in myself and love her unconditionally. And while I did fall in literature love with Nora even more...
...meeting young Kingsley was my favorite part. I really connected with him in The Prince but always was a little wary of him and his jealousy of Nora. I take it back now because Kingsley is fucking awesome. So funny. So charming. So witty. His interaction with Nora were some of my favorite parts of the book. I felt like this book really helped us see his connection with Nora and how he really does love her and want to protect her. An incident with her father in particular warmed my heart even further to him.
If you have read The Original Sinners series and you have not read this yet, make it a priority. This is a beautiful story of where our characters came from and you can read it without any anxiety wondering how their story is going to end. This was the best part.
This book had me absolutely enchanted. What I loved was that I already knew the ending and could just enjoy the story. I wasn't anxious, I wasn't nervous they wouldn't end up together, I forgot I was reading half the time because I was so enchanted by just being in their world and learning their beginnings. Le sigh...
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