Flashback Friday hosted by Fiction Fare and Swoony Boys Podcast
I won't lie to you. While I was thoroughly looking forward to re-reading A Discovery of Witches and Shadow of Night prior to reading The Book of Life...the task was daunting. These books are no joke. Approximately 600 pages each...small print...large pages. But after getting about 50 pages into A Discovery of Witches, I was so happy I took the time to delve back into this amazing world from the beginning. I thought I would be able to skim through it to remind myself what happened...forget that, I was so enthralled with this world all over again, I couldn't put the book down.
I was SO freaking excited to travel back to 1590 with Matthew and Diana...again...did I timewalk back to this book? Sorry. Couldn't resist. Anyways. I loved re-living their marriage and story for the second time. In fact, I actually want to go back and re-read again...like right now. That is how much I love these books. Everything is not as easy as they presumed it would be and there is conflict not only with other people but with themselves. I loved reading Matthew and Diana working through their issues. Their openness and honesty with one another is beautiful. Diana is just perfect for Matthew and I personally cannot get enough of his possessive, sexy ass. Mmm. I'd travel back to the damn Dark Ages if it meant bundling with him. Rawr.
I love how the story progresses and doesn't cut corners. There is not a rush to the finish line or climax, it is steady and consistent...just like Matthew's heart...le sigh. But seriously, while these books are long and quite verbose, they are not unnecessary. While it might not be for everyone, I loved how Deborah Harkness slows down and gives you everyday life. Normalcy among the paranormal was the perfect combination for the setting of this book. We see Diana struggle with 1590 way of life--obviously. And we meet some fabulous new characters along the way.
My mini-review for Flashback Friday can do no justice to this book but trust me when I say I flail like a crazy person over it. The thought of starting The Book of Life is equally sad and scary. I have loved these books for the past 3 years and to finally get new scenes and stories with characters I have grown to love is exciting and terrifying. Oh my gosh, WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?!? Like, I cannot believe the final book is here and I'm freaking out...ok, by the time this actually posts I will have read it and you'll probably know all my feels so that review will be up shortly. And if you haven't read these books yet...for the love of all creatures, get on it!
I was SO freaking excited to travel back to 1590 with Matthew and Diana...again...did I timewalk back to this book? Sorry. Couldn't resist. Anyways. I loved re-living their marriage and story for the second time. In fact, I actually want to go back and re-read again...like right now. That is how much I love these books. Everything is not as easy as they presumed it would be and there is conflict not only with other people but with themselves. I loved reading Matthew and Diana working through their issues. Their openness and honesty with one another is beautiful. Diana is just perfect for Matthew and I personally cannot get enough of his possessive, sexy ass. Mmm. I'd travel back to the damn Dark Ages if it meant bundling with him. Rawr.
I love how the story progresses and doesn't cut corners. There is not a rush to the finish line or climax, it is steady and consistent...just like Matthew's heart...le sigh. But seriously, while these books are long and quite verbose, they are not unnecessary. While it might not be for everyone, I loved how Deborah Harkness slows down and gives you everyday life. Normalcy among the paranormal was the perfect combination for the setting of this book. We see Diana struggle with 1590 way of life--obviously. And we meet some fabulous new characters along the way.
My mini-review for Flashback Friday can do no justice to this book but trust me when I say I flail like a crazy person over it. The thought of starting The Book of Life is equally sad and scary. I have loved these books for the past 3 years and to finally get new scenes and stories with characters I have grown to love is exciting and terrifying. Oh my gosh, WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?!? Like, I cannot believe the final book is here and I'm freaking out...ok, by the time this actually posts I will have read it and you'll probably know all my feels so that review will be up shortly. And if you haven't read these books yet...for the love of all creatures, get on it!
Ball Status?
Genre: Adult Fantasy & Paranormal
Publisher: Viking Adult
Pages: 584
Publication Date: July 10th, 2012
I recently read The Discovery of Witches and I enjoyed it! But these are huge books so I don't know when I will next pick up Shadow of Night since i've got quite the reading schedule ahead of me. But I do plan on reading it! Or listening, more likely. So many I will get to it sooner than later! I am glad it was so good! Have fun reading The Book of Life!