Sunday, March 16, 2014

When a Tiger Changes His Stripes

"I simply wanted that comfort of knowing I could go out with my friends for an evening and still come home to her."
--Christina Lauren, Beautiful Player

Genre: Adult Contemporary Romance
Publisher: Gallery Books, 406 pages
Publication Date: October 29th, 2013
Source: Bought
Previous Books in Series: Beautiful Bastard & Beautiful Stranger
Goodreads Description

A bombshell bookworm. A chronic Casanova. And a lesson in chemistry too scandalous for school.

When Hanna Bergstrom receives a lecture from her overprotective brother about neglecting her social life and burying herself in grad school, she’s determined to tackle his implied assignment: get out, make friends, start dating. And who better to turn her into the sultry siren every man wants than her brother’s gorgeous best friend, Will Sumner, venture capitalist and unapologetic playboy?

Will takes risks for a living, but he’s skeptical about this challenge of Hanna’s…until the wild night his innocently seductive pupil tempts him into bed- and teaches him a thing or two about being with a woman he can’t forget. Now that Hanna’s discovered the power of her own sex appeal, it’s up to Will to prove he’s the only man she’ll ever need.

The characters. The characters will never fail to make me laugh, swoon, and sweat. I love the banter and the intelligence behind each and every one of these men and women. Will is the ultimate player and gets around and makes no excuses for it. Gotta give him credit for putting it all up front. HOWEVER, I will ALWAYS love the bad boy player who gets his balls handed to him by that one girl. Hanna is that one girl. Hanna is a geek. Let me just tell you how much I love this. She is smart. Unfiltered. Blunt. Hilarious and doesn't even mean to be. She makes him want more. I LOVE THIS! Love when the bad boy gets reformed and also when he gets a dose of his own medicine.

The Boobs. Hanna's commentary on her large chest. Will loving her large chest. Yep. I'm a member of the large breast society and let me tell you, they suck. It hurts to work out, bra straps do indeed dig into your shoulders, you will NEVER find a strapless bra that actually supports you, and they get in the way. Ugh. Hanna--thank you. Thanks for saying it like it is.

The sexy times. Seriously? I was reading this book at my hair appointment and I felt like I was sweating. And tense. It is just so hot. Lauren and Christina definitely know how to write sexytimes scenes. I

The Plot Progression. Ya know, I love this series, I really do. And I really did love this book...however, the plot wore on me...a lot at times. While I appreciate Hanna's perspective of keeping things "casual" because she doesn't want to get sucked into the player's game and Will trying to keep Hanna in his life based on her terms, I was so sick of the constant miscommunication. They both CLEARLY wanted more. What irked me to no end was the cycle of neither of them saying what they actually wanted got real old, real fast. One of them would finally work up the courage to say how they really feel...and then lose their nerve. This went on for about 250 pages. I love a buildup to commitment but this was way too much. The book would have been perfect had it been about 100 pages shorter.

Hanna's Insecruity. As much as I did love Hanna, she irritated me as well. How many times and in how many different ways did Will have to tell or insinuate that he wanted more with you? You're a smart girl. I get that you are socially inept at times but for real?! It got comical as much as it was annoying reading about these two going in circles. I just wanted to yell, for fuck's sake just TELL EACH OTHER HOW YOU FEEL! This makes it sound like I didn't like the book and that isn't true, I loved this addition to the series. I LOVED Will and Hanna but this one aspect made it an entire star less in the rating system.

Most definitely. If you've read the other books in the series, you will fall in love with Hanna and Will...just don't expect a quick resolution.

1 comment :

  1. I love how you set up these posts. I read an NA recently where the character would not stop worrying about the same thing every few pages, so I can relate to how you felt about the character's insecurity issues. It's really hard when you think you have this strong character and then you are bogged down by a quality like this. I'm picturing you at your hair appointment and laughing. I have had these moments on the subway. haha
