Thursday, March 13, 2014

RSVP Early To...One Plus One by Jojo Moyes

Short and sweet, people. That's the name of the RSVP Early To...Game. SO! I recently read One Plus One by Jojo Moyes and let me tell you a few things about WHY you should be pre-ordering or waiting in line for your copy at the library.

1. Don't Compare It To Me Before You
If you're like me, the only other work you've read by the amazingly talented Jojo Moyes is Me Before You. And if you're like me, that book probably CRUSHED your emotional stability for at least a week. I freakin' LOVED this book. So much so it inspired me to create Fashionable Late it's only ironic the next book of hers I read is a worthy addition to RSVP Early To...With that said, I don't like to admit it but I found  myself trying to compare this book to Me Before You because of ALL THE FEELS. Let me tell you, don't even try. And I mean this in the best possible way. It is nowhere near the same and I think it showcases how talented Jojo is that after about 15% I forgot all about her previous book and just felt with this one. Does that make sense? It also pushed up her other books to the top of my TBR pile. You'll be seeing many more reviews of her books from in the near future. Read more below...

2. This Story Stands On Its Own
Like I said above, this story is INCREDIBLE all on its own. I feel like I need to say this because of how AMAZING Me Before You is that you'd be expecting either something similar or something to strike you in the same way emotionally. Let me tell you, it strikes you in an entire different way. The story is something like I've never read before. How she describes and talks about family and the heroine's situation is unlike anything I've ever read. It was crazy to remember that the main character is the same age as me...what?!!? Crazy! But I loved it. I found myself wondering what I would do in that situation and I was shooting blanks. It's incredible what this woman does and goes through. 

3. It Will Make You Feel
I lied. The only thing similar between One Plus One and Me Before You is that you will have THE FEELS. You will have the feels in a completely different way but that is what I found so amazing and why I feel the need to point out that it is nothing like MBY because I could not believe how much I loved this book but in a whole different way. Jojo knows how to write emotions and she knows how to reach out to your heart through the pages and words of her characters and get you so totally emotionally invested. And I love her for it. 

SO! Does this make you want to read One Plus One? Still on the fence? Here's a 10 word--give or take--breakdown for all the amazing that is One Plus One...

Insider Trading
Automobile Destruction

There you have it! One Plus One...too legit to quit. Keep this on your radar and get your hands on this book as soon as possible. It's worth the wait.
Genre: Adult Contemporary
Publisher: Pamela Dorman Books
Pages: 384
Publication Date: July 1st, 2014
Previous Books by this author: Me Before You


  1. I already preordered this one! Glad you are on board too. :) CAN'T WAIT.

  2. Fantastic post! I am a huge Jojo Moyes' fan!
