Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Forget What You Thought You Knew

"I'm sorry...
This was my fault.
Because I'd doubted him.
Because I'd believed all the wrong things and all the wrong people."
--Jennifer Rush, Erased

Genre: YA Science Fiction
Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Pages: 288
Publication Date: January 7th, 2014
Source: Borrowed from library
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Previous Books in Series: Altered
Goodreads Description

They thought they had escaped. They were wrong.

After fleeing the Branch with Sam, Cas, and Nick, Anna is trying to make sense of the memories resurfacing from her old life. At the same time, she's learning how to survive in hiding, following Sam's rules: Don't draw attention to yourself. Always carry a weapon. Know your surroundings. Watch your back.
Then a figure from Anna's childhood reappears. Is it a Branch setup, or could it be the reunion Anna has hoped for? Uncertain of where her loyalties lie, Anna must fight to learn the truth -- before she is betrayed again. Ultimately, the answers hinge on one question: What was the real reason her memories were erased?
Jennifer Rush delivers a thrilling sequel to Altered in a novel packed with mysteries, lies, and surprises that are sure to keep readers guessing until the last page is turned.

The Pacing I love that these books are super fast-paced and easy to read. I kept wanting to read one more chapter, one more chapter. I read this book in one day and I love books I can do this with. I looked forward to reading this book while I was working and trying to figure out where the plot was going.

The Memory I love that the foundation of this story is all based in memory swipes and genetic alterations. How terrifying is it to think you either don't remember your past or you were forced to remember a false one. Who do you trust? Where should your loyalties lie? It was stressful trying to wrap my head around what Anna and the boys must be going through. I found it fascinating how the science fiction element is handled in this book. I loved the flashbacks. The piecing together of the plot. What hole was going to be filled next? What piece of somebody's past was going to be uncovered? I couldn't read fast enough to find out where these people actually came from.

The Reveals I LOVED where this story went in terms of secrets being revealed. More of the past was uncovered and none of it I saw coming. While parts of the plot were very predictable--see below--this aspect of the plot I had no idea what to expect and I LOVED it. I really like how anything can happen. These characters have no past to speak of and what can transpire plot-wise is infinite. ANYTHING can happen!
The Predictability While the memory holes were things I definitely didn't see coming, I felt like a lot of the rest of the plot was pretty obvious. The betrayals that occurred might as well have been highlighted because they were blinding me from the glaring obviousness of them. I also thought the writing of these portions is what made it obvious. Statements were made very bluntly and I was sitting here thinking, 'uh, why is this conversation not weird to these characters? How much more obvious can it get for them?'

The Choices With THAT said, I felt like our characters also weren't given enough credit for their super human intelligence. Parts of the betrayal were not only obvious, but they were discussing possible outlets for who the double-crosser was and they basically gave themselves the answers without being able to pin down the conclusion. I was all, GUYS, you are smarter than this! You should have figured this out by now! That was frustrating. Plot development as the reason? Fine, I can live with that but I still think our characters are smarter than they were written in this installment.

Yes This is a really great second book of the series. Secrets are revealed, memory gaps are covered, and while the story concludes without a cliffhanger, I am SUPER excited to see where and what this last book will be about. The possibilities are endless and I can't wait to see the conclusion to Anna and the boys.

1 comment :

  1. I just bought this book a few weeks ago when I met Jennifer Rush and got it signed! I haven't read it yet, but I loved the first one so am pretty pumped for this one. I need to know more about Nick and I hear that we learn more about him in this book. I loved how fast-paced the first one was so I'm looking forward to tearing through this one.
