Monday, December 3, 2012

Top Ten Tuesday! TT Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing

Welcome to another Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and The Bookish! This week's topic the Top Ten Books I Wouldn't Mind Santa Bringing Me :) I have horrible habits with just buying books I want and not giving other people a chance to get them for me but regardless, there are a few new ones I've read as of recent that I need to I will be forwarding this post to all family members...ya know, just for reference :) And since Santa can work miracles, I'm putting in a few books that come out next year...I mean, he is Santa after all <3

New Series Coming Out--Can't Wait For The First Book

I am suuuuucker for epic fantasy novels and this book sounds SO good! Can't wait to get my greedy little hands on another world :)

This book sounds so creepy and interesting! I'm not always a fan of scary stories but this seems a perfect mix of historical fiction (LOVE!) and mystery and suspense. Eep!

Heeeey dystopia! Can't wait to meet you! Can you be under my tree, please?!

Books I Loooove But Don't Own For Some Unknown Reason

I have no idea why I don't own this. Need. More. Hector. In. My. Life. Now.

I know, I know!! I ador, ador and love, love this book, how have I missed buying it...I suck...Santa needs to fix this...

Books That I Haven't Read But Heard Great Things About
I have hear wonderful things about this book and I cannot believe I have never come across it. Historical fiction, World War II, this is right up my alley. Will be picking up immediately if not under tree :)

Books I Recently Borrowed But Now Need To Buy

Little repetitive but I need to own The Iron Fey series...
I haven't read The Lost Prince yet...
Or The Iron Legends...hello, presents!


10. Any book Santa thinks I will enjoy...I'll leave it up to interpretation. 

Can't wait to see everyone else's picks!! Happy Holidays!!


  1. Great list! I like how you broke it down into categories =) I have quite a few books on my wishlist that are books that I've already read, but don't own yet.

    I really liked Between Shades of Gray -- it was WWII, but from a totally different perspective. And I saw on people's anticipated 2013 releases list last week that she's coming out with a new book next year too? Should be good!

    1. I heard she is coming out with a new book! I am so excited to read that and I know I will already definitely be picking up her next one! Historical Fiction junkie :)

  2. Santa may have already bought me Crown of Embers SO good right!? And I definitely need to check out Falling Kingdoms and Taken, sounds right up my alley.
    My TTT

    1. SO good!! I need to own a little piece of Hector in my life! :)

  3. I so want to read Taken also! Great list. Feel free to checkout My TTT

  4. The Book of Lost Things! I love that book, I hope you get a copy of it from Santa this year ;)

    Here's my TTT for this week :)

  5. I have The Book of Lost Things on my list too, but I haven't read it yet. Hopefully I'll get a chance this Christmas though!

    my TTT books from Santa

    1. Oh my gosh is is sooooo good!! You will love it when you get around to it! :)

  6. Awesome list! I'm enjoying Falling Kingdoms so far, and enjoyed The Lost Prince. I'm looking forward to Taken too! I haven't read the Iron Fey series yet, though I have the set. I'm hoping to get through them in 2013.

    My TTT post

    Sabina @ Delirious About Books

  7. Great picks! Several of those are on my TBR list. :D My TTTs are at LKHill and Musings on Fantasia. Happy Tuesday! :D (Now following you via GFC, btw. :D)

    1. Oh thank you!! I'm an email follower of you blog and I love it!! Thanks so much :)

  8. I would so add not-yet-released books to my Santa list too! Come on, he's Santa!

  9. Great picks! All of those New Series coming out books I neeeeeed!
    Hope you get everything on your list this year! :)
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

  10. Great picks. and Ahhhh the Mad man's daughter. Taken looks just brilliant! [New follower]
    YA Vixen's Top Ten Tuesday!

    1. I know right!! Thanks so much for the follower! I'm checking out yours right now!

  11. I have yet to read Crown of Embers but I need to! I loved Girl of Fire and Thorns and I don't have a copy for myself either. :(

    1. Oh. My. Gosh. Giver yourself an early Christmas present and go read it right now! Epic and amazingly good! :)

  12. I have really got to read Girl of Fire and Thorns. Seriously. I am really excited about those 3 new ones coming out too! Love the cover of Taken. Between Shades of Gray was really good. I hope Santa is good to you! Here is my list

    1. Yes you do! So good! And I'm so excited for Between Shades of Gray! Can't wait! :)

  13. ooh I have a copy of The Book of Lost Things on my shelf right now. Excited to read it!

  14. AAH! You need to own The Crown of Embers! HECTOR! :D
    And I've so pre-ordered Falling Kingdoms (how awesome is that cover!) and Taken! EXCITED!

    1. I knooooooow! Hector=GAH!!! I have so many inappropriate and dirty literary thoughts when I think about him...*rarr* :)
