Saturday, December 1, 2012

My Week in Books-4th Edition

So I discovered there are a lot of awesome memes about showing off the books you bought, borrowed and bartered for! Books, Biscuits and Tea hosts Showcase Sunday, The Story Siren has In My Mailbox and Tygna has Stacking the Shelves! All are really awesome so you should check all of them out! Spread the love everywhere, right?! OK, so my haul this week is preeeety exciting!! Hope you all have great additions, too! Can't wait to see them!


--SO AMPED to read this! It takes place
in Siciliy...I am Sicilian...I know of 
NO other book taking place there.
Heritage Pride <3
--Haven't read this yet, sounds really interesting and fun
with a steamy love story...pretty excited!
Another one I have not read but heard SO many 
great things about! Yay!
Uh, I have OBVIOUSLY read this. It is spectacular.
I just didn't own a I bought it :)


LOOOOOVED Atonement and this is his 
first female protagonist and narrator since that book.
Woman assigned to secret mission during the Cold War
...sign me up for this book! Holla!

For Review

I am so excited to be part of the book tour for this over at The Book Babe's Blog Tours 
This book sounds really funny and interesting!

Can't wait to see what everybody else got! Peace and love! <3


  1. Great books. I have The Girl of Fire and Thorns but haven't read it yet. Sweet Tooth sounds great too. Please come by and visit My Mailbox

    1. Oh you must read Girl of Fire and Thorns!! First book was great but the second was absolutely amazing!! I would say check out my review but it would ruin the first one for you so read book then read my review, haha :)

  2. Awesome books this week. I hope you enjoy them all.


  3. YAY for your books! I LOVED Incarnate and Masque of the Red Death!! And The Girl of Fire and Thorns, obviously, but as you've already read it, you know how amazing it is :) I've been meaning to read Arcadia Awakened, but I haven't gotten to it yet. Hope you enjoy all your books!!

    1. Oh so good to hear!! I bought Masque of the Red Death on a whim and I am so looking forward to reading Incarnate! Hopefully a little closer to the release of Asunder though! And yes, I need The Bitter Kingdom like yesterday!

  4. Great haul! I have Incarnate as well but I'd love to get The Girl of Fire and Thorns.

    Happy reading!

    My books this week.

    1. Oh get it! First book is great but the second in the series blows the first one away if you can believe that! :)

  5. I have Incarnate and Masque of the Red Death and I can't wait to read them!! I hope you get to them soon!

    Here's my Showcase Sunday!

  6. I have an ebook copy of Masque of The Red Death I've been meaning to read, it looks really good. I also just love the cover of Incarnate it is so pretty! Great haul =)

    My STS

  7. Right?! SO pretty! I've heard great things about both so I'm excited!

  8. Masque of The Red Death, Incarnate and The Girl of Fire and Thorns look so good! The covers are absolutely gorgeous! The Girl of Fire and Thorns I haven't heard of before but I think I may need to go and buy it! I know I have too many, but a few more to add to the list isn't that bad! Haha! Incarnate I have heard some brilliant reviews! I hope you enjoy them all!

    Here's My Showcase Sunday

    1. Me too! And yes you will looooove Girl of Fire and Thorns! The second book is even better, it is amazing! Going to check out your haul now! <3

  9. I'm so glad you like the new design! And of course we can still be friends haha. You have to let me know if you like the Masque of the Red Death. I've been meaning to read this for a while! :)

  10. So many pretty books! *.* I didn't saw that cover of Sweet Tooth before. Looks great.

    The Girl of Fire and Thorns is good? I still haven't read it yet.

    HERE is what I got.
    Zemira @ YA Fanatic

    1. Sweet Tooth was so good! Just finished it this afternoon, really quite brilliant :) Going to check out yours now!

    2. I haven't read McEwan's novel since Amsterdam 3 years ago. I'm going to snag your blog button so I can come back again. Hope you'll write a review for Sweet Tooth soon.

    3. Yay! You made my day AGAIN!! <3 And I wrote the review but I've been binge reading so much I scheduled it like a week and a half away lol

  11. Nice haul. Have to checkout some of these reads. Feel free to come by and view My IMM

    1. Thanks! The Sea of Tranquility of poppin up everywhere! Need to read this!

  12. Great books. I hope you enjoy them!
